Tharandter Future Day 2024
The Tharandt Future Day is a careers fair for forestry students, organised by students, for students. On this day, around 50 employers come around the Campus of Tharandt to get in touch with students. These will be spread out and presented with their exhibition stands on all levels of the main building and the Judeich Building.
In addition planty of exhibition stands, there will also be a series of workshops and presentations. The only workshop, which will be held in English, will deal with the topic of Ecosystem Services and will take place from 10 to 11 a.m. in room C1 of the Cotta Building.
The doors to the fair will be open from 8.30 am. The introductory event (unfortunately only in German) starts at 9 am in the Judeich-Bau.
Afterwards there will be an after-party in the Kuppelhalle. This starts at 18:30, registration is at the information stand in the Judeich-Building.
We would be delighted if you appear planty at the careers fair to find out about the various sectors that our degree programme offers.
This year, the Tharandt Future Day is being organised by Clara Lindner, Elisabeth Viehweger, Miriam Hausl, Konstantina Fotiadi, Jacob Riedel, Jesper Horst, Anna Katthöver and Luis Krast – a motivated team of volunteer forestry students. Our supporting organisation ‘Bildung und Leben in Tharandt e.V.’ has been making the THARANDTER GESPRÄCHE possible since 2009.
The THARANDTER GESPRÄCHE offer a good opportunity to make new contacts and to develop communication and organisational skills. It is a lot of fun to work on a project like this together and then – after a planning period that usually lasts a year – to be able to enjoy the results of this work with all the participants.

Contact us
If you have any suggestions, questions or criticism, we look forward to hearing from you at sfv@jungesnetzwerkforst.de